Thursday, August 29, 2013

An Ode to Eggs--Fried Eggs with Truffle Salt

Dinner time comes around
To the fridge I go to scrounge
For some leftovers from days past
But I'm to be disappointed very fast
Like old Mother Hubbard 
Who had a desolate cupboard
My fridge takes on 
The appearance of destitution
The shelves are bare
Of  food in Tupperware 
In panic I glance at the clock
It's nine pm as I look in shock
I better get a move on with dinner
Some kind of meat will be a winner
Since the hour is so late 
Inspiration becomes eggs on a plate
Ingredients are retrieved from the fridge
They sit on the counter for a smidge
Butter sizzles in the saucepan
Eggs are broken as carefully as I can
Sunny side up bottoms crusty and brown
I try not to break the yolk with a frown
Slices of  bread pop in to toast
Before you know it we are ready to coast
A hefty pinch of truffle salt
Cracked pepper to a fault
Earthy smell of truffle assaults my senses
I hustle for utensils
Truffled eggs buttered toast and a glass of wine 
I feel so ooh-la-la at dinner time 
My way is to dip white in yellow
With a crusty piece of toast to make my mood very mellow
Breakfast for dinner is often done
In our house food is always fun!

Fried Eggs with Truffle Salt
Makes 1 serving

1 Egg
A small pat of Butter
A generous pinch of Truffle Salt

Heat a saucepan and add the pat of butter.

Let the butter melt and sizzle.

Break the egg into the pan and fry till the edges are crusty.

Sprinkle truffle salt over fried egg and eat with toast.


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